What if we swallow a spider?

There is no reason for arachnophobia here: Digesting a spider, even a venomous spider is not really a concern. This was confirmed by Christopher Buddle - a spider researcher at McGill University (Canada).

Picture 1 of What if we swallow a spider?
Not all spiders are dangerous to humans

"If you swallow a spider, even if it is thought to be venomous, I don't think it will have a bite reaction when it comes down the esophagus and it is certain, it does not have any chance to . to be bitten when digested by stomach acid ".

"Not all spiders can attack you with toxins - this means you will feel uncomfortable if you accidentally let them slip through your nose or eat - but all of these animals have enough venom. to kill small prey, " added Buddle.

Some spider species are dangerous to humans, including the black widow spider (Black widow spider) and the brown recluse spider.

Buddle also added that spiders have a thread in the back that can bite other objects, but in fact, arthropods only bite people when they are in an uncomfortable place, crushed. compress or want to "surprise" us like when you put your foot in a shoe that has not been used for a long time.

If a spider is in your mouth while you're sleeping, it may just accidentally "slip" into it, unless you've "swallowed" so many bugs that this animal feels they'll have a Delicious meals when you get into your mouth!

Picture 2 of What if we swallow a spider?
Some spiders are considered "evil" with strong venom

However, if you accidentally swallow a spider and realize it belongs to one of the 7 extremely dangerous spider species below, you need to be alert. Some species of spiders are aggressive and they are ready to attack any creature approaching if agitated, even humans. A study in the United States also found that of the 3,000 species of spiders, about 60 are thought to be capable of causing injury (more or less) to humans.

1. Red-backed spider (Latrodectus Hasselti)

Habitat: Red dorsal spiders spread all over Australia and are now available in New Zealand, Southeast Asia and Japan.

Body size: Female 1 centimeter, male 3 to 4 millimeters.

Picture 3 of What if we swallow a spider?
Red-backed spider

According to one study, about 250 people have to use antidote to treat reddish spider bites every year. About 80% of the bites cause little or no reaction, and the remaining 20% ​​cause pain for the bitten person for about a day without serious consequences. Some more special cases may develop symptoms such as tachycardia, headache, vomiting and insomnia.

Currently, no deaths have been reported due to being bitten by this spider. Red-backed spiders usually do not go too far from their nests and most attacks occur when humans come into direct contact with the spider web.

2. Sydney funnel spider web (Atrax Robustus)

Living place : The funnel spider web lives within a radius of 160 km around Sydney city (Australia). Other funnel-web spiders are also scattered throughout the country.

Body size : Female 3.5 cm, male 2.5 cm.

Picture 4 of What if we swallow a spider?
Sydney funnel spider web

Researchers at the Australian Museum said that although Sidney funnel spider lethal did not kill anyone since the antidote was used in 1981, the animal is still "a symbol of the nerve royal and passion for those who like to collect spiders in Sydney ".

Currently, the funnel webbing thread is used to make optical devices. You can catch this animal under rocks and logs in the forest, inside compost piles or in the ground beneath the floor. The funnel spider web likes wet space and land contact areas.

3. Six-eye sand spider (Sicarius Hahni)

Living place: South Africa.

Body size (including legs): 5 cm.

Picture 5 of What if we swallow a spider?
Six-eye sand spider

The six-eyed spider spider is a very special spider because they have the ability to camouflage, not only bury themselves under the sand but even on the ground, they are no different from sand. Only when you see the legs as the crabs are moving are you really discovering this creature. The six-eyed sand spider has a layer of hair capable of adhering to sand grains, so they always have a layer of sand covering the outside.

The six-eyed spider rarely bites people, but their venom is extremely poisonous, able to cause capillary bleeding, break down tissues, and even kill a rabbit in just a few hours.

4. Brown widow spider (Latrodectus Geometricus)

Living place : South America.

Body size (including legs) : Female 4 cm, male 1.25 cm.

Picture 6 of What if we swallow a spider?
Brown widow spider

Spider venom with brown venom is twice as powerful as the black widow spider. However, the level of poison transmission to victims is lower than their "brother". This is a pretty shy beast, often living in remote places, few people passing by like trash bins, under the porch, in the mailbox, in the cramped garage, under the outdoor seating . .

5. Reclusive brown spider (Loxosceles Reclusa)

Living place : South America.

Body size (including legs) : Female 2.5 cm, male 2 cm.

Picture 7 of What if we swallow a spider?
The recluse brown spider

The reclusive brown spider venom contains a specific protein rarely seen in other animal venom, potentially causing bruises around the mouth of the bite and causing infection.

The reclusive brown spider usually lives under stacked logs, porches or in furniture drawers that rarely touch. When bitten by this spider, you will not feel the bite even though the pain will become serious after a few hours. In rare cases, venom can cause coma, kidney failure and seizures.

6. Black widow spider (Latrodectus Mactans)

Living places: Mostly in South America, some appear in the Western hemisphere.

Body size (including legs): Female 4 cm, male 1.25 cm.

Picture 8 of What if we swallow a spider?
Black widow spider

The black widow spider's venom is 15 times stronger than the venom of the bell-tailed snake. If bitten by this spider, the pain will quickly spread throughout the body with symptoms such as chills, tremor, vomiting, shortness of breath, delirium, hemiplegia and seizures.
According to calculations, about 5% of cases of black widow spider bite lead to death

7. Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)

Place of residence : Brazil.

Body size (including legs) : 17 cm.

Picture 9 of What if we swallow a spider?
Brazilian wandering spider

The wandering spider is a spider that has been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most exclusive spider species. They attack on the enemy with continuous biting.

Phoneutria Fera is a breed of spider belonging to this spider family. Its venom can destroy the nervous system with a "far more" level than other spiders.