Discover giant spider as big as human face

A new spider with more than 20cm long legs was found in northern Sri Lanka.

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This is the spider plant. It belongs to the family Poecilotheria , a line of tiger spiders, with colorful patterns on the body. They live mainly in India and Sri Lanka. This species is very poisonous. According to scientists, the new spiders are next to the bird-eating spider Goliath, the world's largest spider, living in South America.

The new spider breed was discovered when a local police inspector found the difference of this species with similar spiders (they had obvious marks on their legs and had a pink band on their abdomen).

"This spider has enough distinct characteristics compared to other species," said Peter Kirk, editor of British Spider Community magazine. However, DNA testing is needed to confirm this conclusion.

Picture 1 of Discover giant spider as big as human face
This species is testing DNA to make sure it is a new species.

This spider has streaks of geometric, yellow or brown shapes in the first or fourth legs. It was first discovered in a survey by the co-founder of Ranill Nanayakkara. and Sri Lankan biodiversity education.

'This species is quite rare. They like to live on old trees. But due to the declining number of old trees, they lacked living places, so they moved into old buildings, ' said Nanayakkara.

However, according to Robert Raven, curator of the Queensland Museum, Australia, although they had very detailed descriptions, it could be the basis to determine if this is a new species, but when there are no controls yet. Genetic evidence cannot be confirmed.