The hunter's spider is as big as a plate that scared the Australian family

The disc-sized spider makes a couple in Australia frightened when it crawls on the kitchen glass door.

Lauren Ansell, a resident of Mount Coolum, Queensland, Australia, was startled by the sight of a giant hunter spider crawling outside the kitchen window, where her boyfriend was cooking dinner on July 23, according to Sun.

They try to chase the spider out of the window even though it seems harmless. Ansell's boyfriend raised the cat towards the spider to scare him, but didn't seem to work. She named it Aragog , the monster spider in the Harry Potter film.

Picture 1 of The hunter's spider is as big as a plate that scared the Australian family
Giant hunter spider.

"We made the spider uncomfortable trying to chase him away to cook. My boyfriend then made it fall off the window and hid into the garden," Ansell said.

After Ansel shared the spider image on his personal Facebook page, her friends were surprised and many advised her to move away. But Ansel said she did not see the spider reappear.

The hunter spider who lives mainly in Australia is a fairly famous animal with a large size. The male spider has a stride of 25-30cm. Hunters spider bites can cause localized pain and swelling. They may also experience symptoms such as nausea, headache, irregular pulse and heart palpitations.

The hunter spider crawls on the glass door.(Video: Lauren Ansell).