Australian spider venom works to destroy tumors

Australian scientists have examined the protein extracted from the venom of Hadronyche spider infensa, the result of this protein can kill melanoma cells in humans.

According to Scientific Reports and Cell Death Discovery, Australian spiders belonging to the Atracidae family are among the most species. Some species of spiders can be seriously dangerous to human health and even fatal.

Picture 1 of Australian spider venom works to destroy tumors
Hadronyche spider venom infensa protein can kill melanoma cells in humans.

However, a new study suggests that the toxin could be very helpful in inhibiting the proliferation of melanoma cells in humans, as well as cancer cells on the faces of carnivorous marsupials. The largest in the world - Tasmanian demons.

The components of spider venom were studied under the guidance of Maria Ikonomopoulou and colleagues at the QIMR Berghofer Institute of Medicine. They conducted research by extracting proteins from spider venom, determining the composition and structure of proteins, synthesizing similar substances and testing their ability to use them in medicine.

Scientists have discovered that the protein from Hadronyche spider venom infensa can kill melanoma cells in humans and inhibit the spread of the disease . At the same time, protein does not cause toxic effects on healthy skin cells. The protein has also been shown to be an effective means of destroying facial tumor cells of the Tasmanian demon - an infectious cancer that almost destroys this animal.

Maria Ikonomopoulu shared that it would take a few years to test the new substance, but the first results were very positive: 'We hope that this compound could in the future be a new remedy to treat malignancies count ".