'Six-eyed monster' and venom cause people to burst into blood vessels

Only a single drop of them causes an adult to break a blood vessel and die in extreme pain.

If "black widows" , Brazilian wandering spiders, brown spiders . are "small assassins" that are no stranger to us, the six-eyed spider species is listed as one of the most unique spiders. gender.

Owning a body mass is only as small as a fingernail, but the sand spider has the ability to "kill" an adult with just a tiny droplet that they secrete after a bite.

The scientific name of six-eyed sand is Sicarius hahni . They have surname with spiders living in Loxosceles .

Picture 1 of 'Six-eyed monster' and venom cause people to burst into blood vessels
Six-eye sand spider - South African desert assassin.

Scientists say the six-eye sand spider is "living fossil" , because it existed 100 million years ago, before Africa and South America separated.

There are about 20,000 six-eyed spider species that live in trash in South America, Africa. In it, the most dangerous spider lives in the Namibia desert and the northern tip of South Africa.

Picture 2 of 'Six-eyed monster' and venom cause people to burst into blood vessels
The six-eyed spider's body is compared to a coin.

Thanks to their heat-resistant instincts and good hunger, they can survive every year without eating or drinking.

The characteristic of this spider is not to catch prey or to spread silk, they bury themselves in the hot desert sand to ambush the prey. When they detect their prey, they will slowly approach and then quickly take a fatal bite to kill the life of the ill-fated victim.

Picture 3 of 'Six-eyed monster' and venom cause people to burst into blood vessels
The six-eyed spider buried itself in the sand to ambush its prey.

Painful deadly venom goes crazy of the six-eyed spider spider

The 6-eye sand spider is one of the most horrifying deadly venom animals in the natural world.

The toxin of this spider can disrupt red blood cells, cause necrosis, rupture of blood vessels, destruction of tissue. For humans, their toxins are a catastrophe: Initially the feeling of extreme pain appears only after a bite.

Picture 4 of 'Six-eyed monster' and venom cause people to burst into blood vessels
Poisonous spider bites make the victim extremely painful.(Illustration).

After that, a large wound around the bite appeared due to the destruction of the cells. When the venom enters the bloodstream, blood vessels will be broken, causing internal bleeding to cause the internal organs to be horribly destroyed.

There is no cure for anyone who is bitten by a 6-eyed sand spider. After a few hours, the victim will be paralyzed or die in terrible pain.

Fortunately, because they have spiders that live in seclusion, the six-eyed spider lives quite shy and does not actively attack humans.

That is the reason, very few cases of death due to the attack of the six-eyed spider are recorded in the world.