Medical breakthrough: culture of blood vessel walls

Scientists from the University of Cambridge (UK) have successfully cultivated 3 types of cells that make up the walls of blood vessels.

>>>Using artificial blood on human body

The team used patients' skin cells to create different types of vascular muscle cells. This breakthrough may help cultivate many types of blood vessels in the laboratory. Artificial blood vessels are used to implant cardiovascular patients, kidney dialysis or to replace damaged blood vessels after an accident.

Picture 1 of Medical breakthrough: culture of blood vessel walls
Artificial blood vessels can be used to treat cardiovascular disease and stroke

'Our study is an important step towards creating different vascular muscle cells, to help cultivate new blood vessels. These cells can be used to create artificial arteries or stem cells that can be injected directly into the heart to form blood vessels , "said Dr Sanjay Sinha, a member of the research team. .

Previously, a biotech company in California (USA) has successfully cultivated artificial blood vessels in the laboratory in June 2011. However, a group of scientists at Cambridge University said their research has more medical applications.

'A blood vessel will not be suitable for all blood vessels in the body. Our goal is to create many types of blood vessels and now we have the tools to create all kinds of blood vessels suitable for each patient, ' said Dr. Sanjay Sinha.

Unlike previous vascular culture techniques, new techniques by British scientists do not need animal plasma. This can reduce the risk of some toxic chemicals from animal plasma transmitted to humans and reduce the risk of blood vessels being eliminated after transplanting.

So far, the success rate of experiments has been conducted at 90% and the team believes that artificial blood vessels can be grown on an industrial scale in the near future.