Spider venom is stronger and better than Viagra

Researchers at the University of Georgia Medical Center have isolated from spider venom a substance that increases erection, but how it works differently than Viagra.

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Brazilian doctors have long known that Brazilian spider bites roam, not only pain and hypertension, but also prolonged erection in patients. US scientists have identified the components of spider venom, to find out which substances cause this symptom.

Picture 1 of Spider venom is stronger and better than Viagra
Spider venom has a stronger and better effect than viagra.

They found a chemical belonging to the peptide type. When tested on mice, it caused an increase in genital blood pressure, causing the organ to become erect. In addition, it increases nitric oxide concentration in the penis cavity.

Meanwhile, Viagra's mechanism of action is different. Usually sexual stimulation causes some neurons to release nitric oxide (NO), stimulating the formation of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) . This substance helps the blood to fill the cavities in the penis, causing an erection. As a result, the penis can hold 10 times more blood than it normally does. However, the erection does not last long, because Viagra has PDE-5 (inhibitory) that breaks down cGMP, limiting erection time.

Drugs Viagra only maintains an erection for a certain time. The substance from spider venom is combined to increase the concentration of NO in nerve cells.

The fact that Viagra does not work for about a third of men who are helpless. It may be lack of testosteron, a type of male sex hormone that affects function and sexual desire.