Video: What if it is bitten by the world's most poisonous spider?

For many people, spiders are terrifying terror and they can "stand" all the time when they find that they are crawling from afar.

Not only possessing a large body and abominable legs of many feathers, there are countless subspecies of spiders also carrying on themselves strong venom as well as extreme violence.

Picture 1 of Video: What if it is bitten by the world's most poisonous spider?
Black widow spider is the world's most exclusive spider.

And the black widow spider is a typical example of possessing a "great" degree of cruelty as well as horrifying venom.

Few doubts, although the body is only marginally better than the paper clip, but this black widow spider has a habit of killing "Duc Lang Quan" right after "salty concentration".

And venom - they are extremely dangerous, 15 times stronger than rattlesnakes! Knowing that rattlesnake venom can kill 100 people in a blink of an eye, how did you imagine the black widow's spider venom?