This is the color that people fear spiders should avoid wearing

This is the color the spiders love, please avoid this color!

Can the spider see the color?The answer is yes , at least with Australian peacock spider ! In 2017, biologists have confirmed that public spiders are the only spider species at the time that can sense colors.

But is it just a spider, or other spiders? Recently, experts from the University of Cincinnati (USA) have tried to test this hypothesis on a line of extremely popular spiders in the world as wolf spiders.

The answer is really unexpected: they can see the color! But unlike the public spider relatives, the wolf spider only looked green.

Picture 1 of This is the color that people fear spiders should avoid wearing
Wolf wolves like green (probably because they only see that color).

According to George Uetz, a professor of biology at Cincinnati University, wolf spiders only have labels of dichroic (2 concentric light-sensing cells), unlike humans, trichomes (3 types of cells). This means that when humans perceive 3 colors of red, green and blue, the 8-legged hull only senses green and ultraviolet light (UV rays).

It is known that Uetz's lab has about 1,200 wolf spiders. That place must have been a nightmare for those who were afraid of spiders, but it was the perfect place to study these monstrous monsters.

To test their color perception, the team showed the spiders a video of a flirtatious spider. As a video, they can adjust the color of the spider in the picture.

As a result, female spiders will appear more often if the spider in the video has a high contrast to the wallpaper. And male spiders, they are very interested in colors, especially when green appears.

Picture 2 of This is the color that people fear spiders should avoid wearing
Spider genus is popular everywhere in the world.

"Meaning with female spiders, contrast is more important. But male spiders, they are very important in color, and are capable of distinguishing green from other colors," Uetz said.

This ability relates to the story of evolution. Their mating season takes place in spring and summer, when the scene is mostly blue. That means when the scene is green, they will appear.

It is known that wolf spiders are extremely popular species, everywhere in the world (except Antarctica).