Fear of confusion

If seeing a very long word makes you panic because you can't read it, you have one of the most inexplicable fears. The irony is that the disease also has a strong name: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

The puzzling obsession of humans

It is just one of hundreds of fears people have. They include interpretations that can be interpreted to completely confusing ones.

1. Clean fear (Ablutophobia)

Picture 1 of Fear of confusion

This is a common obsession among women and children who have psychological, emotional instability or who live too long in a dirty, polluted environment. They are afraid of activities to clean their bodies and objects such as bathing, washing, shampooing, washing hands.

2. Fear of buttons, buttons (Koumpounophobia)

Surprisingly this obsession is very common and the level of expression varies from person to person. In general, they all feel disgusting when touching or seeing buttons, small coins and similar items, some are afraid of plastic buttons than metal buttons, afraid of buttons older than new buttons.

Picture 2 of Fear of confusion

Sometimes children accidentally swallow the buttons through the nose, mouth makes it become a lifelong obsession.

In 2007, Apple founder Steve Jobs revealed that he suffered from this phobia obsession. And that is also the reason why a series of products are different from regular phones with many time buttons on each iphone, ipad is just a modern touch screen.

3. Fear of clothes (Estiophobia)

Picture 3 of Fear of confusion

This is a delicate and sensitive obsession because people do n't want to wear clothes to get out of the house . People with this disease may not be completely afraid of all kinds of clothes, but they are also afraid of some other things. People who suffer from clothing obsessions are fat and middle-aged people because they think clothes make them look sloppy, dirty, and ugly.

4. Afraid of beautiful women (Caligynephobia)

Picture 4 of Fear of confusion

Many people are frightened by the beauty of a woman, even looking at pictures. The degree of disease becomes a habit, psychological change leads to a new sexual orientation. Adolescents and adult men tend to have this tendency and they become more interested in homosexuals than women.

5. Fear of looking (Scopophobia)

Picture 5 of Fear of confusion

Feelings of anxiety, fear when being seen by others or staring at someone often make them avoid crowded places like supermarkets, restaurants, schools, parks . even if they don't dare to drive because you can't stand the eyes of others over the rearview mirror or when you stop the red light.

The cause of this anxiety obsession is a traumatic event, a mental shock in the victim's past life, possibly because they were abused, threatened, abandoned .

6. Fear of good news (Euphobia)

Picture 6 of Fear of confusion

We always expect to hear good news but there are some people who are scared and panic when they hear the good news. In the mind they exist negative thoughts that behind each good news is a bad news, worse. The life of a person who suffers from this obsession has never been optimistic, self-contained, with little communication to avoid or destroy his hearing ability.

7. Fear of sharp objects and injections (Trypanophobia)

Picture 7 of Fear of confusion

This obsession can lead to serious consequences such as a drop in blood pressure, fainting, uncontrollable screaming, avoiding any health protection measures. They did not dare to approach the hospital or sharp objects in the house.

According to the researchers, the disease is about 10% of Americans and this is an inherited disease thousands of years ago when people tried to avoid being injured by sharp weapons to survive so far. During a aggression between the two primitive tribes, the reaction fainted to prove that this faction was not a threat to the other side to avoid bloodshed, injury was not worth it. Therefore, every time, fear of sharp objects, patients often faint like their ancestors did.

8. Fear of demons (Demonophobia)

Picture 8 of Fear of confusion

This is a persistent fear of the supernatural forces, ghosts lurking around seeking to destroy the victim. People with this obsession often worry, get bumps, sweat, shivers whenever discussing demons, souls or being left alone at home, in the forest, watching ghost movies. The symptoms became more severe when they started wearing around the garlic's neck except for exorcism, crosses, wooden poles, and amulets and were ready to attack anyone they thought was possessed by demons.

9. Fear of sex (Genophobia)

Picture 9 of Fear of confusion

They were scared every time they thought about the bed, or the sight of that scene. This obsession leads to personal life being overturned, troubled, and gradually causing them to alienate their friendship and intimacy. They put themselves into loneliness, autism and embarrassment with their own fear.

The cause of sexual fear is that they have been victims of rape, sexual abuse in the past or self-masturbation too much, leading to a loss of feeling of relationship with others.

10. Fear of being touched (Haphephobia)

Picture 10 of Fear of confusion

The disease is similar to the fear of bacteria, fear of dirt because these people always feel insecure with people around them especially when they are touched.

Another reason why they have an obsession with contact is due to the protection of personal space. If anyone intentionally collides, they will feel burned, freeze and when they lose control they will turn to attack.

11. Fear No. 4 (Tetraphobia)

Picture 11 of Fear of confusion

Experts believe that fear of number 4 is just a superstition in some Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan because the pronunciation of the number 4 in Chinese is similar to "Tu. "means death. And this number is often blamed for disasters, deaths , bad things just after the Western No. 13.

And fear increases the level if people encounter numbers 24, 42, 44 because the risk will be multiplied. So sometimes in hospitals, hotels do not use these numbers to number sick beds, rooms.

12. Fear of flowers (Anthophobia)

Picture 12 of Fear of confusion

No matter what kind of flower, which part of the flower, they feel threatened, frightened even in their thoughts. Anyone can have this obsession because they have had a severe pollen allergy . If you are planning to give flowers to a friend with Anthophobia, stop immediately. In addition, this fear is also called fear of harmless things such as fear of a torn piece of paper.

Besides, there are strange fears that become a terrible obsession for some people.

For example, there are people with nucleomituphobia - fear or hatred for nuclear weapons.

Odontophobia , fear of curing teeth, is perfectly understandable, similar to pentheraphobia - fear of mother-in-law. But globophobia (fear of balloons), lutraphobia (fear of otters) and octophobia (fear of number 8) is really hard to explain. Other fears like ablutophobia - fear of bathing - are simply antisocial.

There is also a fear of telephones, fear of pet animals, fear of cramped places, fear of being punished, beaten, or scolded. And a fear that parents are particularly vulnerable to is afraid of children.

According to the researchers, there are many more types of fear that have not been recognized. They are asking readers to add to their collection.