How many children does a woman have?

Vladislav Korsak, Professor of Medicine, President of the Russian Reproduction Association, says that in reproduction there is no 'standard' concept . This person may have 5 births, but others only one. However, how much is optimal, that is only the real answer.

Doctors can only say that the best interval between two births is 2 years or more. Of course, medical advances allow a woman to become a mother even if her health does not allow it.

Picture 1 of How many children does a woman have?
The average fertility age of women is between 25-27 years old. (Illustration)

To get pregnant and give birth smoothly, it is necessary to provide a woman's body with enough substance to recover her strength. Their fertility age ranges from 18 to 45, an average of 25 to 27 years old. Of course there are cases earlier and later but that is the exception.

Assuming a woman is only attentive to pregnancy and childbirth, she can have between 12 and 14 children at the time of her birth, provided that only one child is born at a time. If the baby is thicker, it is dangerous for both mother and child.

The largest number of pregnancies (multiple births in one pregnancy) in the world so far is eight. Meanwhile, the record holder of births is Ms. Elizabeth Greenhill from the United Kingdom. She gave birth 38 times, got 7 sons and 32 daughters.

The most crowded is the wife of a Russian farmer - Mr. Feodor Vasilyev. According to the official document, she gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1765, with 27 births, of which 16 were twins, 7 were triplets and 4 were born. Of her 69 children, 66 people survived to adulthood.