How much does it cost to

Money can be bought happily and the price may not be as expensive as you think, according to a recent survey conducted with Americans.

Scientists at the Marist University's Institute of Public Research - conducted a telephone survey with 1235 people across the United States to find out how much a family needs to earn a minimum of Members feel happy and satisfied with life.

Picture 1 of How much does it cost to
Money can help buy happiness

During the survey, participants were asked to rate their satisfaction with life, including their families, neighbors, home status, spiritual life, health, friends, work, community activities . Then, they are asked to determine their family's annual income.

Analyzing the data collected, the team found that the annual income of $ 50,000 could help members of an American family feel happy and satisfied about their personal lives.

Households with incomes below $ 50,000 a year are less happy than those with income on this figure. The most obvious difference between the two groups lies in the factors of satisfaction with the state of the house, the relationship with friends and the satisfaction of life.

The survey results also showed that 64% of Americans had financial difficulties in the past year. Specifically, 57% of respondents said they had to cut spending, 26% considered backing retirement, 17% had difficulty paying health services.

'Money may not be able to buy happiness directly, but our research shows it is an important element of life satisfaction , ' said Paul Hogan, president of Home Instead Senior Care and is Survey team member, said on Live Science.