Cost is the biggest barrier to developing 'green technology'

Famous companies such as Dell, HP, Intel, Apple . are aiming to be at the forefront of green, clean and environmentally friendly technologies. However, too high costs are causing the ' green technology ' projects to stagnate.

According to the above survey conducted with 100 IT managers attending the Citrix iForum Forum Conference last June (organized by Neoware), 82% of IT developers consider the impact of infrastructure and parts Their hard information technology to the environment is extremely important factors.

About 71% of them said they would choose IT systems and specially designed products if they are really environmentally friendly or energy efficient. But the results also show that there are many other factors that are preventing them from turning thoughts into actions.

Picture 1 of Cost is the biggest barrier to developing 'green technology'

The UN recommends that users upgrade their computers and consider carefully before purchasing a new PC (Photo: Dancewithshadows)

Respondents believe that cost is the biggest hindrance (24%) in building a friendly environment. The next obstacle is difficulties in replacing the currently used technology (17%) and the absence of truly environmentally friendly products (15%) .

Neoware's production manager said: "No one denies that a company's IT infrastructure changes are related to costs, but once it becomes environmentally friendly, business people will see This initial investment saves them in the long run. '

The survey also found that 98% of respondents believe that the responsible IT industry must become environmentally friendly, 71% feel that environmental friendliness is one of the top priorities and 60% They believe that they have and will evaluate suppliers based on environmental friendly criteria.

Another iReach survey with Irish companies published in March 2007 also found the same result that everyone is willing to be environmentally friendly but still very worried and anxious about it. charge for that.