How to check your moles is good or malignant
In a way, you can be your own dermatologist. If you see a new mole, ask the following 5 questions to know if it is a mole or a malignant mole:
In a way, you can be your own dermatologist. If you see a new mole, ask the following 5 questions to know if it is a mole or a malignant mole:
Is it asymmetric?
Is it uneven shore?
Its color changes?
It has a diameter greater than 6 cm?
Is it big?
Just have a "yes" answer, you need to see a dermatologist.
However, if all the answers are " no " does not mean you are safe, so please continue with the following questions, expert David J. Leffell, dean of dermatology at Yale Medical School, tell on ABC page:
Is the mole red?
The skin color around the mole may look red and feel hot. "Your body will produce an immune response to abnormal pigment cells ," explains Dr. Leffell. The white blood cells attack this area and release inflammatory chemicals to kill the stranger.
Does the mole have itching?
There is also another side effect of the immune process. Itching may occur when the mole has strange cells, like an insect bites.
Is the mole flowing?
It may be a sign of late stage melanoma. " The cancer needs blood to grow. If a tumor is larger than the body's need for blood, the skin surface may break, " explained Dr. Leffell. Meanwhile, the fluid is like pus, and possibly blood, will escape.
Do you have doubts?
" People have a sixth sense of their bodies ," Dr. Leffell said. " I call it the Bloomingdale rule of dermatology - customers are always right ." So if you are worried about a mole, put aside the symptoms and suggest a biopsy.
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