'Humans must find another planet'

The level of environmental pollution and the rate of exploitation of resources on Earth have become so serious that humanity needs to find a second planet before 2030 to satisfy the needs of life.

Picture 1 of 'Humans must find another planet'

According to AFP , the International Nature Conservation Fund (WWF) has just released a report on the status of environmental pollution and resource situation on earth. The report - called ' Living Planet ' said, in 2007, the world population was 6.8 billion people - 50% higher than the threshold that the planet needs to be able to grow sustainably.

' Even with the UN's modest estimates of population growth, resource use and climate change, by 2030 humankind will need two planets like the Earth to absorb CO2. and providing resources. If everyone uses natural resources as the average of the people in the United States or the United Arab Emirates, then humanity needs 4.5 planets like the globe ', warned the report.

' Living Planet ' indicates that 71 countries are facing scarcity of fresh water, of which nearly two-thirds of these countries face moderate to emergency scarcity.

' Fresh water scarcity has profound consequences for ecosystems, food production and human health. Climate change may worsen fresh water scarcity , "the report said.

Countries that sign the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will meet in Nagoya, Japan from October 18-29 to discuss measures to cope with the decline of species on the left. land. The United Nations calls 2010 the International Biodiversity year. Significantly reduce the rate of decline of species is one of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Biologists warn many species - especially mammals, birds and amphibians - are falling sharply due to habitat loss, hunting or climate change.