Humans will live on Mars?

Current conditions on the red planet are extremely harsh for humans. To survive there, we must first spread a green carpet on the surface of this cold planet.

So, what do we need to do to turn the red planet into green? To begin with, it is necessary to warm up this entire planet, and this is our forte.

Picture 1 of Humans will live on Mars?

Humans will live on Mars?

Mars detectors have found evidence that Mars was once very warm when young. It has rivers pouring water into vast oceans.

In the earth, we know very well how to heat up the atmosphere: just emit a lot of greenhouse gases. Most of the carbon dioxide CO 2 that has been heating Mars is still there, it freezes in the layers of rock and ice on Mars, and so does water. All that red planet needs is 'a gardener with a huge bag of money'.

"We just need to warm Mars and cultivate some seeds," said NASA scientist Chris McKay . Mars will do most of the rest of its work itself . '

Greenhouse gases perfluorocarbons will be synthesized from the soil and air components of Mars, then they will drift into the atmosphere. These gases will warm up the red planet, followed by the release of frozen CO2. This CO2 continues to contribute to heating and increases atmospheric pressure to the limit where water can flow.

In the meantime, reclaimers from the earth will plant life on this desert with a series of ecosystems - first of all bacteria and lichens (these species withstand harsh conditions in Arctic on earth), then on algae species; and after a few millennia, woody forests will appear. It takes a few millennia more to release oxygen from these forests enough to be able to breathe.

Enthusiastic scientists with this project are dreaming about Martian cities. McKay said: 'We will live on Mars the way we live on the North Pole. At present, this dream has many obstacles to become reality, but the lesson we learned from the Mars renovation project will help us to respect and preserve our earth. '