Should humans abandon the Earth and find another planet to live on?

In recent years, when the Earth environment is getting worse, people have started talking about a plan to migrate and live in outer space, namely Mars.

Should humans abandon the Earth?

People are increasingly showing more enthusiasm for space exploration projects to find the promised land to settle, just in case the Earth is no longer a suitable place for us to live. This is an important plan for the survival of humanity in the future, although there has been a question that many people have to think about this relatively far-reaching plan: Should we improve ourselves? My home before leaving it cruelly?

Picture 1 of Should humans abandon the Earth and find another planet to live on?
A future space settlement of humanity (concept image).

Earth, home to nearly 5 billion years old

To start with the points in the article, you can see the video below to once again look at how beautiful our Earth is.

Life on Earth is the best thing

The Earth was formed about 4.7 billion years ago, according to research by scientists. If the dinosaurs that once dominated the Earth for the longest time in the history of this planet, on the contrary, we humans occupy it for too short a time but are a species with tremendous growth. most about the population, the development of society and science and technology.

At such a rate of development, humans have transformed almost completely the Earth's climate in a short period of time. In particular, since the time of the industrial revolution in England after the invention of James Watt's steam engine, the house of mankind has been " degraded " so quickly.

By the end of the 30s of the last century, scientists had warned that massively using fossil fuels would make the greenhouse effect the biggest nightmare in human history. then the Earth will heat up and cause unpredictable consequences for the life of mankind. Typically, the polar ice sheets will melt and cause the sea level to rise, which directly eliminates areas of low altitude, such as the Netherlands.

Picture 2 of Should humans abandon the Earth and find another planet to live on?
Landings on Mars will be the first step to carrying out migrations to space.

Coming to Mars live, an ambitious plan

With the prospect of the future that there will be no land to live in, the new humanity eagerly seeks to find a new home outside the universe, most notably the idea of bringing people to Mars to live in NASA that many people talk about last time. Basically, it is not a bad choice for people to live and settle on Mars in the future, as the proponents of this historical plan said there are 5 reasons for them to do the same. so:

Ensuring human survival

Getting people to live on many planets will ensure our existence for thousands of years, even millions of years from now. Mars is the ideal goal of humans because it has the right size, is similar to the Earth and has frozen water on the surface. Moreover, this is the best option available because Venus and Mercury are too hot, the Moon has no atmosphere to protect residents from meteor impact.

Discover life on Mars

To discover whether life exists on Mars, we need to dig down the surface of the planet, deeper than what NASA's self-propelled device does. Many experts believe that instead of putting robots on it, people should set foot on the red planet because we can make discoveries 10,000 times faster than them.

Improve the quality of life on Earth

Just by pushing humanity to the limit, down to the ocean floor and into the universe, we will create scientific and technological discoveries that can adapt and improve life on Earth. Innovation in one area will stimulate revolutionary change in another. Likewise, the technology used in the task of bringing people to Mars can be applied to many other areas such as medicine or agriculture.

Create a cushion for future generations

According to astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson, another reason why we have to go to Mars is to inspire future space explorers . The desire to explore human space will create many advanced technological innovations that certainly benefit mankind in one way or another.

Obviously, the idea of people migrating to Mars or even many other planets in the distant future is not guilty of considering the speed of human environmental damage today. Even so, we still have to ask the question: Is it worth it?

. or fix mistakes?

With the idea of ​​emigrating out into space, NASA has received many compliments, including objections when many scientists believe that migration to such a planetary level is only done when left Real land is no longer a suitable place for human beings.

Picture 3 of Should humans abandon the Earth and find another planet to live on?
Don't ruin our only home.

Since creating technological leaps, people have nearly exhausted all the fossil resources on Earth and destroyed the environment to the point that scientists have come to a conclusion about greatness. The 6th strain is going on, with people being the victims of the thoughtless actions they cause.

Accordingly, instead of spending billions of dollars to implement a project, it may take a few hundred years for real progress, so mankind should pay attention to taking care of its own green house before we fall. in the state of "staying at home is not good, but going bad".

Scientists and environmental experts have spent decades persuading governments around the world to join hands to sign the Kyoto Protocol with the goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Since September 2011, about 191 countries have signed up to participate in this program, although there are many conflicting opinions about this decree but at least it can see that people do not stand by their arms and watch the Earth be canceled. ruin.

However, the reality shows that the process of implementing plans to protect the global environment has met many difficulties when the governments of the countries in the world have ever found a common voice, even many countries are more interested in political interests than the long-term benefits for the people of that country. But under the pressure of the people, many leaders have to think about environmental issues.

In addition, hundreds of projects on greenery, clean energy, waste recycling and wildlife protection have been deployed around the world in the past and most people are considered residents. The Earth is now aware of the environmental emergency, we all understand that protecting the environment from now on is ensuring a bright future for future generations.

Picture 4 of Should humans abandon the Earth and find another planet to live on?
Wind and solar energy will be the future of modern life.

Although the current pollution situation still improves like what we expect, it does not mean that there is no hope in the future when countries around the world have gradually gotten rid of the problems. especially to save the Earth for sure we will not give up our own home when it can still be saved.

Hope for the future

If you make a migration on a planetary scale, beyond cost far beyond imagination there are potential risks in the process of implementation that only a small mistake can cause millions of people to die. It is clear that improving the living environment on Earth is less risky than a human-powered spacecraft exploding in space.

Even so, it will be time for people to leave their own homes to leave to find another residence. But put hope, even the smallest, that it will be just a human colony, next to the main house of the Earth.

Picture 5 of Should humans abandon the Earth and find another planet to live on?
Space migration is not a simple matter.