Humans used to live with dinosaurs 10,000 years ago?

According to Daily Star, some people believe that the carvings outside the famous Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia are proof of dinosaurs who once lived with humans.

The new discovery at a temple in Cambodia led to the hypothesis that humans and dinosaurs once lived together, but experts have another explanation.

According to Daily Star, some people believe that the carvings outside the famous Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia are proof of dinosaurs who once lived with humans .

Picture 1 of Humans used to live with dinosaurs 10,000 years ago?

Controversial carvings at the temple in Cambodia.

People in the past should not have known dinosaurs because these massive creatures were extinct from tens of millions of years ago.

But the temple was only built in the late 12th century, leading to the hypothesis that dinosaurs and humans had lived together for about 10,000 years.

The article on the UFO Sightings Footage page said: 'We need to reevaluate the existence of dinosaurs. They should have been extinct for a long time, or the meteorite may have wiped out the dinosaurs as expected. '

The website says there is much evidence that Peruvian carvings also prove humans lived with dinosaurs.

However, Smithsonian journalist Brian Switek said that the hypothesis still has many holes.

Picture 2 of Humans used to live with dinosaurs 10,000 years ago?

Ta Prohm Temple is a popular tourist destination in Cambodia.

Looking closely, the carved figure 'isn't quite the same' , Switek said.

'The head is bigger, looks like a horn. The figure floats up on the body like a leaf. This may be just a wild boar or rhino with the background of leaves around. '

Switek said that this might be a prank.'Carvings can only appear recently. It can be created for a movie, because this temple is the location of the film crews to choose from. '

'But anyway, the temple carvings cannot be seen as evidence that humans once lived with dinosaurs,' concluded Switek.

Update 17 December 2018



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