'Hunger' sex, fruit flies turn to self-stimulation with alcohol

When rejected by a partner, male flies drink more alcohol than satisfied "guys" .

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According to research published in the journal Science, scientists say that alcohol also stimulates the fruit's brain similarly to when it is satisfied with desire. The amount of neuropeptide F in the fruit fly's brain is controlled by the behavior of flies.

Picture 1 of 'Hunger' sex, fruit flies turn to self-stimulation with alcohol
Fruit flies also like spicy yeast when rejected by their partners. (Source: BBC)

Dr. Sohat-Ophir and colleagues at the University of California (USA) tested the effect of alcohol on two groups of fruit flies. One group was placed in a box with five female fruit flies that had never mated, and the other group was locked up with female flies that had mated. Female flies that are not mating are ready to receive mates, and mating flies will reject any male 'close' .

Then, two groups of flies were fed a gelatinous substance mixed with 15% alcohol. The flies mated do not eat, and the ones are hungry for sex, they eat enthusiastically.

The researchers then searched for a chemical linked to these two opposite behaviors, and they found neuropeptide F.

The concentration of neuropeptide F in males drank much lower than the "guys" received by their partners.

The human brain also has a similar substance, called neuropeptide Y, and it responds in the same way as in fruit flies.