Hunting the wrong train

3 hunters have a bad hunting day when they can't catch any prey.

Picture 1 of Hunting the wrong train The first guy decided to separate the group and go deep into the forest alone. Two hours later, he returned with a fox on his shoulder.

- I found a small cave. Look forward to the cave entrance for a while and then defeat the fox.

The second one enjoyed splitting the group into the forest. Four hours later, he returned with a small bear on his shoulder.

- I also found a fairly large cave. Look in front of the cave and hunt this bear. What a lucky day.

The third guy excitedly decided to go to the forest alone. In the evening, he still couldn't see him coming back. The other two decided to leave.

A few days later, the two of them went to visit the third man and were surprised to see his whole body cast, dulling on the bed. He whispered:

- Today, I . I also found a big cave . big terrible . I . also looked at the cave .

- And then? (nervous) drama battle with the beast?

- . Kh . no . raw . whole train . out of the cave .


I hide my bed from my wife

Some of the husbands were always shouted at by their wives, especially when the cup was over or sometimes not cleaned.

The neighbor next door saw this question:

- Why are you so healthy and afraid of your wife?

The husband is angry:

- He knows nothing, says miscellaneous, there are times when she has to kneel in front of me for hours and hours but I do not even say a word.

At that moment, the wife came back to hear:

- Eem, when did you say that?

- Ah, well, the day before you got under the bed to find a pen that was accidentally stuck, I took the broomstick to get you forever to get it.


Choose how to commit suicide

A healthy physique boy came to the church asking for a confession.

- Father! I want to confess. May you share and help me, I have caused so many sins so I don't want to live in this world anymore.

- What are you going to do? - Father tried to ask.

Thinking for a while the boy replied:

- I will commit suicide!

- But how are you going to die?

- Father, I will commit suicide by jumping from the bridge into the river.

- There are more gentle ways why do you choose that way?

The boy replied:

- That way is best because you are a swimmer.