Hypothesis explaining the phenomenon of shivering after urinating in men?

This is a very common phenomenon in men but many people still cannot explain why to do so? Two widely accepted hypotheses explain this phenomenon: Due to sudden hypothermia; due to the reaction of the autonomic nervous system.

Why do men often shudder after urinating?

If you are a man and you often shiver after urinating, don't worry too much, many men of many ages also act like that. However, there was a time when it was thought that this was one of the inexplicable mysteries of the human body. In English, the phenomenon of shivering after urination is called " pee shilver " and it usually happens to men (in some cases also in women).

Doctors gave this reaction a fairly long name: post-micturition convulsion syndrome (temporary translation). Further analysis, the post here can be interpreted as "after", meaning after. The word convulsion here can be understood as "shuddering " or "trembling ". Syndrome is syndrome - a set of symptoms that occur on a certain person. That means shivering after urination can happen in many people, but there are people who will never encounter it. Back to our main question, why are shivers appearing? Currently, there are 2 arguments explaining this phenomenon.

Picture 1 of Hypothesis explaining the phenomenon of shivering after urinating in men?

The first argument is that this is only a reflex of the body when the temperature is reduced. While urine, urine will carry some of the heat from the inside to the outside (urine not only eliminates water from the body but it also helps the body to cool off) and is invisible, it causes the body temperature to drop suddenly. . Therefore, even if the ambient temperature is not cold, the body will also shudder to warm the body.

The second argument is that this is only a consequence of the autonomic nervous system (ANS - responsible for regulating organs and glands in the body, this activity unconsciously takes place and controls many functions. energy in the body like sex, salivation, tears, urination, digestion). All of this is done automatically without having to think ahead. For example, you will close your eyes when sneezing is a result of ANS. Similarly, urination reflexes are relayed through ANS. The strength of the reflex is directly related to the bladder tension. Therefore, the degree of shivering is directly proportional to the bladder tension during urination.

In more detail, ANS consists of two parts, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) with opposing activity (a natural supplement). SNS tends to keep the bladder comfortable and the sphincter muscles shrink. Therefore, although the bladder is very tight, it does not "flush " out even though we do not control the "valve lock " again. SNS works by releasing catacholamines epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine to make the body perform the necessary reactions.

When an opportunity occurs, urination and bladder collapse, ANS begins to work and it will change the production of catacholamine. It is thought that this may be the cause of tremors. However, this is just an argument based on available knowledge, no experiments have been established to verify this. In addition, when urination, the blood pressure also increased slightly, the face temporarily rose pink or appeared refreshed in a short time. All are the feelings of pleasure, interesting, and even, some people tend to emit "ah", or "uh" sounds, . and these are all consequences of ANS .

The above are two widely accepted hypotheses to explain shivers after urination.