In 2007, NASA reduced the shuttle launch program

NASA aerospace agency decided to reduce the shuttle launch program in 2007 from 5 times to 4 times. The cause of Atlantis's late take-off because it had to repair fuel tanks in addition to being damaged by hail.

Picture 1 of In 2007, NASA reduced the shuttle launch program

Atlantis Space Shuttle on launch pad (Photo: HTV)

The first shuttle launch, Atlantis, was originally scheduled for March 15 and will be implemented as early as June 8. Then, Endeavor was scheduled to launch from August 9, followed by Discovery, as early as October 20. Finally, Atlantis will be launched from December 6 to bring Europe's Columbus lab to the International Space Station (ISS).

In the first four months of 2008, NASA plans to make two space shuttle Endeavor flights, as early as February 14 and Discovery on April 24. After April 2008, NASA has not stopped the shuttle launch program.

The US aerospace agency decided to carry out at least 13 shuttle flights to complete the construction of the ISS Station from now until 2010, the time of the three shuttle shuts. Mission Hubble telescope repair and maintenance will also be implemented.

ISS is a $ 100 billion project with the participation of 16 countries.