In Chad, 24 people died, 70,000 people lost their homes

Half of the small Central African country, Chad is suffering a huge flood, affecting 145,000 people here. What is worse is that in this area last year suffered a huge drought.

Data from the United Nations said the flood killed 24 people and injured 29 others. In addition 700 people were infected with cholera and of these 64 people were killed. A total of 145,000 Chad people are affected by the flood and this number is still increasing day by day, there is still no complete report from areas that are not yet accessible.

Picture 1 of In Chad, 24 people died, 70,000 people lost their homes Picture 2 of In Chad, 24 people died, 70,000 people lost their homes

Ute Kollies, United Nations officer in Chad, said: " This is the worst time of crisis. Things are getting out of control ."

Drought last year and floods this year have left 31,000 hectares of crops in Chad missing. This makes the country's food security stand on the brink of crisis.

All roads entering the flood area are paralyzed, so relief can only be done by air.

It is known in Chad, the rainy season starts from the beginning of June and ends in late September but this year the rain has come earlier than usual, more intense.