Increased colorectal cancer due to eating

The age of this deadly disease is getting younger, many cases are only 18-20 years old, even 12 children have colorectal cancer.

This disease accounts for about 15% of all cancers and is growing markedly. Recently, the disease is mentioned more by changes in eating habits - one of the factors that makes colorectal cancer more and more popular.

About a year ago, Mr. Vinh (45 years old, Hanoi) suffered from abdominal pain, gastrointestinal disorders, occasionally bleeding. Thinking I was only hot due to an unreasonable diet, he bought medicine for treatment. But in recent months, this phenomenon has become more and more, and the inconvenience has made him too uncomfortable, so he decided to go to the doctor.

At K Hospital, Mr. Vinh was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in stage 3. The doctors had to cut the entire rectum and open an artificial anus for him.

According to Dr. Nguyen Quang Thai, Deputy Head of the General Department of Hospital K, most cancer patients in this department come to see them late. Therefore, it is more difficult to maintain normal activities and prolong life.

The disease tends to be younger

Picture 1 of Increased colorectal cancer due to eating

Endoscopic surgery to treat colorectal cancer.(Photo: Employee)

Thai doctors said that in developed countries, the disease plays the role of 'leader' in various types of cancer with high morbidity and mortality. The number of patients died because it ranked second in cancer. In Vietnam, colorectal cancer ranks fifth in all types of gastrointestinal cancer and is increasing due to changes in eating habits.

About 13 / 100,000 people suffer from this disease, with more men than women. Studies at K Hospital show that the disease usually occurs in people over 40, but recently tends to rejuvenate with many cases in the age of 18-20, especially the 12-year-old case. There are young people who come to the clinic when they are in the late stages, so they must bring artificial anus throughout the rest of their lives.

Ambiguous disease manifestations

Expression of colorectal cancer is often very vague, initially only symptoms such as abdominal pain, thinness, fatigue, blue skin, digestive disorders and sometimes go out blood . Therefore When you experience these symptoms, people often think that they have a common gastrointestinal disorder, so they should buy medicine for themselves.

Some time later, when the disease has moved to a late stage, patients find intestinal obstruction, squash, vomiting, abdominal cramps, have abdominal tumors to go to the examination, it is too late. Once the disease has spread, the treatment is no longer effective.

Thai doctors said that if patients with colorectal cancer are detected early and treated properly, 90% will live for 5 years or more. However, when the disease has spread through lymph nodes and metastasis to the liver, lungs, kidneys, the survival rate of 24 months is only about 12%.

In younger people, cancer develops faster. Currently, medicine does not know the exact cause of colorectal cancer, but the risk factor has been determined: Age, high fat eating habits, but lazy to exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption . In addition, genetic factors are also mentioned as people with gastrointestinal inflammation and ulcerative colitis.

Prevention is not difficult

Colorectal cancer is completely preventable by limiting the use of fast, oily, low-fiber foods and exercising for about 30 minutes a day. For families with close relatives, tests should be done to control cancer.

Most cases develop silently, symptoms are not clear. Therefore, to detect the disease early, regular checkups are needed.

According to Dr. Pham Duy Hien, deputy director of K Hospital, currently surgery to remove tumors and dredge lymph nodes plays a key role in saving lives of colorectal cancer patients. In addition, chemotherapy and radiation therapy should be used.