India develops arsenic detection techniques

Arsenic is a toxic substance, often found in groundwater or water sources with residues of pesticides, but if exposed for long periods of time can lead to many diseases, mild allergy, severe disease letter.

Picture 1 of India develops arsenic detection techniques
High exposure to arsenic can lead to cancer

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), arsenic exposure is becoming a concern for many countries around the world.

Recently, Indian scientists have announced that they have successfully developed a technique to detect domestic arsenic with high accuracy. Chandra Bhushan, deputy general director of the Center for Science and Environment in New Delhi, said arsenic poisoning is a common situation in India, so it needs monitoring techniques as well as removing toxic substances. out of water.

Arsenic detection tools are chemical sensors made from yellow nanoparticle beams with 3-dimensional structure and fixed by an amino acid chain. These ultra-sensitive sensors signal the presence of arsenic in the water by glowing when they come into contact with toxic substances."The more light, the higher the arsenic content," explains Arindam Banerjee, a biochemical expert from the Indian Association for Scientific Development.