India successfully launched the spacecraft onto Mars

According to Indian national television, November 5 boosters carrying unmanned probes were launched at 9:08 GMT (ie 16h08 Vietnamese time) from the launch pad in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh state. The journey marks 300 days in the study of Mars's atmosphere.

>>>India launches Mars probe

India's Mars probe weighs 1,350kg, equivalent to the size of a small car, propelled by a 350-ton rocket, much smaller than the equivalent US and Russian boosters.

Because there is not enough energy to fly directly, the ship will circumnavigate Earth's orbit for almost a month to 'accumulate' enough speed before it bounces off into space. Only then did it begin the second phase of a nine-month journey to "Red Planet".

Before the launch, Deviprasad Karnik, spokesperson for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), said: 'The countdown process goes smoothly. All tests gave good results. Normal weather, a little cloudy but not a problem '.

Picture 1 of India successfully launched the spacecraft onto Mars
The rocket carrying India's Mars probe was launched into space.(Screenshot - source: Skynews)

The mission of Mars spacecraft, known as 'Mangalyaan' in India, was declared 15 months ago by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, shortly after a Chinese space exploration ship failed in escape from the Earth's atmosphere.

Despite ISRO's rebuttals, the time when India gave the above information led to speculation that the country was trying to express its views on its strong military and economic neighbors. 'We are in a race with ourselves in the areas that we have drawn,' said ISRO K. Radhkrishnan, president.

India has spent 4.5 billion rupees (about US $ 73 million) for this project, which is only one-sixth the cost of US $ 455 million that NASA announces for its Mars space exploration ship, Expected to be launched on November 18.

Joe Grebowsky, scientist at NASA's space probe project, said: 'We did not believe they would be able to launch the ship this early. If the launch is successful, this is great. ' Joe emphasized that Mars has a complex trajectory. It is about 50 to 400 million kilometers from Earth, much more complex and vast than a mission to explore the Moon. Communication signals take 12 minutes to travel between Earth and Mars.

India has never participated in an expedition mission inside a previous planet. This means that the country has to develop new technology to make sure its space exploration ship can operate independently.

So far, more than half of Mars projects have failed, including one made by China in 2011 and one by Japan in 2003 and only the US, Russia and EU can ship. probe to this planet. America is currently the only country that has successfully sent exploratory robots to Mars. The most recent robot explorer is a robot called Curiosity that landed on 'Red planet' in August 2012.