India will bring the probe to Mars in 2013

India's Prime Minister officially announced the country's Mars mission yesterday, with plans to bring the probe to orbit on the Red planet by the end of next year.

>>>India will conquer Mars

In a speech commemorating India's independence day, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the government has approved plans to bring an unmanned probe to Mars orbit.

'The mission will be a great step for us in the field of science and technology,' Singh said.

Picture 1 of India will bring the probe to Mars in 2013
Indian Prime Minister spoke during the independence day and officially announced the next
plans to bring the probe into Mars orbit in November 2013. (Photo: AP)

According to Kiran Karnik, a former official of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the plan to bring the probe to Mars in November 2013 in a 10-month flight is an ambitious goal.

'The time when the spacecraft arrived was when Mars was in the closest position,' Karnik told CNN-IBN. 'So it is a narrow door that we need to launch and is the reason the mission will be implemented next year'.

According to an ISRO report released earlier this year, the main goal of the mission is to look for clues about Mars 'geology, origin, progress and viability' .

India's space program first launched an earth satellite in 1975 and put a probe into the moon's orbit in 2008. India also plans to launch its first manned spacecraft. I was in 2016. Before that, the country's astronaut Rakesh Sharma flew in a Soviet mission in 1984.

If the 2013 mission is successful, India will become the first Asian country to go to Mars. In 1998, Japan failed in its attempt to make the explorer ship orbit on Red planet while another Chinese exploration ship also disappeared with Russia's Phobos-Grunt mission in January 2012.