This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

The process of painting the Mars probe is like painting a car, it must be extremely detailed and detailed.

Picture 1 of This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

Beauty is clearly not the first criterion when completing a Mars probe ship. But that doesn't mean, painting is not important. In addition to creating aesthetics for ships, the white paint also helps reflect the heat that the ship receives when in space.

Picture 2 of This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

Recently, manufacturers began painting the ship to probe Mars for the Mars 2020 mission. This is a very important step because it will not be able to be repainted if it leaves Earth.

The size of an SUV, Mars probe ships run on nuclear power and has 6 wheels to move. The first step is still frame fabrication. This process takes a lot of time and must be extremely meticulous. NASA's new probe hull uses 20 machined aluminum pieces and hand-connected holes with frames.

The process of drilling holes must be very careful and follow step by step because only so, the new manufacturers can promptly detect errors.

Stephen Pakbaz, the chief engineer for the mission mission of Mars 2020, said: "It's a meticulous and sometimes tedious job. But everyone knows the dangers if don't take care of it ".

The entire frame of the probe is made up of 610 studs, 730 gaskets, 644 nuts and 964 mechanical bolts.

Picture 3 of This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

After frame creation is the painting process. But not simply paint is finished. Scientists will need to sketch a drawing to know where to paint. They must also use adhesive tape to cover positions that do not need to be painted.

Picture 4 of This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

Painting for the probe does not require special primers or paints but, of course, they need to ensure the most stringent quality regulations to be suitable for the outer space, when it must be exposed to UV rays and large vibrations.

The school team in charge of painting for the ship, Campanella said: "You cannot know where the train will go and what it will mark. We use the same paint and spray gun at the same distance and speed. degree ".

Picture 5 of This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

Picture 6 of This process of painting the Mars probe is so complex and meticulous

The result after painting is here.

Because the probe will be a very harsh planet, the ship will continue to be brought into the vacuum chamber after the painting process. This process will help the paint stick more firmly into the frame.

Of course, if you have to be exposed to the harsh environment for too long, this paint can peel off but hopefully by then, the probe has gained important results.

Few people know the process of painting Mars for exploration is more complicated than you think.