IntelligentM - sanitary monitoring equipment for the health sector

The intelligentM Intelligent Technology (USA) wristwatch is designed to monitor hand hygiene practices by health workers to ensure that they regularly wash their hands properly.

Picture 1 of IntelligentM - sanitary monitoring equipment for the health sector

The intelligentM loop is developed to encourage physicians, nurses, technicians, and people who are regularly exposed to hygiene and prevention of disease spread. Inside the device contains a processor equipped with an accelerometer, capable of recognizing the movements of hand washing.

IntelligentM is specially designed and tracked through radio frequency identification (RFID) devices mounted in hand basins. If the person washing his hands improperly or not enough time, the ring will vibrate 3 times to warn the owner, while they perform the hand washing process perfectly, the ring just vibrates once.

In addition, it also records the number of times the wearer breaks down to help administrative staff monitor and inspect the hands-on activity of individuals or groups to assess their hygiene practices.