Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

The class Holothuroidea consists of tubular molluscs with a tentacle mouth at one end and an anus at the other. Many species are human food.

The class Holothuroidea consists of tubular molluscs with a tentacle mouth at one end and an anus at the other. Many species are human food.

Picture 1 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Apple sea cucumber (Pseudocolochirus violaceus) is 15-18 cm long, living on reefs in many different seas around the world. This species of sea cucumber has orange or yellow legs, diverse body colors, and contains very strong toxins.

Picture 2 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Leopard sea cucumber (Bohadschia argus) 38-60 cm long, distributed from the western Indian Ocean, around Madagascar to the South Pacific. They are large in size, varied in color, always spotty.

Picture 3 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

The tiger-tailed sea cucumber (Holothuria thomasi) is 2 meters long, recorded in the western Atlantic Ocean. Despite its enormous size, it was not until 1980 that this amazing camouflaged sea cucumber was first described.

Picture 4 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Red-bellied sea cucumber (Holothuria edulis) is 25-30 cm long, especially common in tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. They are caught and dried for human consumption.

Picture 5 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Worm sea cucumber (Synapta maculata) is 60 cm long. This species has a soft and long worm-like body, burrowing in soft sediments.

Picture 6 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

The large California prickly sea cucumber (Sticopus californius), 35-40 cm long, is the largest species of sea cucumber on the Pacific coast of North America. These spiny creatures are caught as a specialty.

Picture 7 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Golden sea cucumber (Colochirus robustus) 5-8 cm long, distributed in the Indo-Pacific. They belong to a family of thick-skinned ginseng, many species have protrusions around the body.

Picture 8 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Pomegranate sea cucumber (Thelenota ananas) 60-75 cm long, lives on the sandy seafloor around coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. They belong to a family of sea cucumbers that have fleshy spines covering their bodies.

Picture 9 of Interesting things about sea cucumbers that not everyone knows

Deep-sea sea cucumber (Kolga hyalina) is 30 cm long, distributed around the world at depths of 1,500 meters. They are one of the less-visited sea cucumbers, living in the depths of the ocean.

Update 23 November 2021



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