Invent the device to save energy when taking the stairs

Scientists at two universities in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, in the southeastern United States, have invented a device that makes it easier to climb stairs.

This information is published in the recent Public Library of Science Plos One. Accordingly, scientists have invented a device loaded by springs , attached to the ladder to help restore the strength of users of stairs.

By using this device, users will save 26% of the impact force of the impact force and the braking force of the ankle, each step down the stairs and release 37% of the power of the knee when stepping up the stairs.

Picture 1 of Invent the device to save energy when taking the stairs
This device can be removed, easily mounted on different types of stairs.

The release of force is done through springs and pressure sensors mounted on the device. When a person steps down a staircase, this step will be lowered slowly, until it is equal to the lower ladder, which saves energy for the user.

This cycle will remain the same until someone steps up the ladder. Ladder users step on one foot on the built-in touch device on the upper steps, the keystone of the lower ladder is released, creating a thrust, impacting the user's remaining footsteps, makes it easier for users to lift their feet.

According to scientific researchers, this device can be removed, installed easily on different types of stairs, with relatively low cost.

For buildings without elevators or escalators, especially in multi-storey apartments, it will be a useful solution for a number of cases where assistance is needed during certain periods of time, for example, patients who are recovering from surgery or pregnant women.