Is the plane from ancient Egypt?

Picture 1 of Is the plane from ancient Egypt?

Seti Temple in Abydos, Egypt

To date, the bizarre carvings on the inner wall of Seti Temple in Abydos, Egypt, describe the strange machinery, found in 1848, remains a mystery. But there has been evidence that it is most likely a simulation of aircraft or submarines.

There are many different views on the above mentioned patterns. Egyptologist Alan Aford said that the ancient Egyptians had painted the helicopter image in reality. Some other people have sketches on the wall with a bee image, because "Ong" is one of the first Pharaoh Seti names - one of the most famous ancient Egyptian kings. As for the expert on UFO Richard Hogland, the inscriptions have proved his theory: Ancient Egyptians are descendants of Mars and they chose Egypt as a landing place because of the landscape. similar to the red planet. But Hogland did not explain why there was a submarine figure next to the helicopter image on the wall, all engraved in detail so unbelievably.

Mars does not have a sea, " the descendant of the Mars " is difficult to create submarine drawings when there is no concept. And the Egyptian view of Bruce Rowles is that there has never been an adventure from another planet to earth. According to him, the ancient Egyptian priests knew some of the secrets of nature, and most likely they foresaw the images of planes and submarines of the future. As can be seen, the treatises lack a solid foundation, but only one fact has been proven: 3,000 years ago the ancient Egyptians made the first battery that could generate electricity in the world.

Picture 2 of Is the plane from ancient Egypt?

Seti mysterious wall carvings

But there are scientific documents that confirm the ancient nobility of Egypt was able to reach the air by air balloons and ancient gliders. Historian William Deutch said that many royal princes like, including Pharaoh Tutankhamen, died of fatal injuries due to accidents when . flying. Deutch even made flying devices that mimic those carved on the walls, and discovered many patterns that could glide in the air. He confirmed that these "planes" appeared first in Egypt, then in Tibet, India, Mexico, Turkey .

Material evidence is also important. To date, researchers have been in the hands of 33 gold objects, each 4 cm long, found in Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica and Venezuela, known as the "Colombian golden plane", dating no later than first millennium BC. Their shape is disagreeable, but the same principle of aircraft: there are horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Although shaped like an animal with the outer "scales" and vivid eyes, biologists claim they are different from any fossil or animal that exists on the earth.

In 1956, the " golden plane " was exhibited in the Pre-Columbian Gold Exhibition, in New York (USA). The triangular wings and the large tail in the vertical direction of the exhibits drew attention from American aircraft designers. They tried these ancient "planes" in a wind tunnel. It turned out that a " golden plane " could glide at supersonic speeds. This ancient "plane" model helped Lockheed build the world's best supersonic aircraft.

So it is very likely that the ancient Egyptians possessed objects flying in the air. But if this is the case, then we will encounter a mystery that is also extremely difficult to answer, that is, how did they get that technology, and why is it not passed down to the next generation?