Mysterious mysteries of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is known for its numerous mystical legends, which are unbelievably large treasures and horrifying cruel curses that still fulfill today.

Mysterious ancient Egypt

Egyptians love all animals. Among them, cats are the most sacred animals, playing an important role in the spiritual life of the people for a long time.

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This is because in the form of a god cat, the ancient Egyptians worshiped the goddess Bastet as a god of blessing and protection for humanity.

Cats represent the strength and dexterity of cats that guardian goddesses serve humans, helping humans to win over lurking enemies.

For the Egyptians, the cat's bright eyes in the night are like the moon in the dim night.

Twilight Bastet also has the expression of a cat. And if there is a fire in the house, the cat will be the first priority to be saved.

When a cat dies, all family members will mourn by shaving their eyebrows. They do this to show their sadness when the sacred animal dies.

If someone kills a cat, even unintentionally, he will also face the anger of the crowds of Egyptians. Accordingly, this person will be punished by being thrown into a pit full of poisonous snakes.

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Ancient Egyptians also mummified and buried dead cats in a cat cemetery with mummies of mice.

In 1888, a farmer discovered 80,000 mummies of cats in a large tomb. This is one of the great valuable artifacts to serve the research and study of the lives of ancient Egyptians.

Skin care with gold

The Egyptians exchanged a secret of beauty to be as beautiful as their goddess. It was not until the end of the 20th century that this secret was decoded in France.

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During the study, archaeologists discovered many of the aristocracy's Egyptian remains that contained components of pure gold.

It turned out that the old people sewed tiny gold threads to the bottom of the skin so that the young, elastic, smooth skin was flat and wrinkled and gave the skin a slightly sparkling white appearance, like it was radiating. shining.

Spiritual world in Egyptian culture: Duat Hell

On ancient Egyptian reliefs, there is a place called Duat.

Duat is governed by Shen Rong Osiris - the god of life and death. This place is quite similar to Earth but there are many strange elements such as the Fire Lake and Iron Wall.

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In order to reach Duat, the soul must cross the seven doors, guarded by half-human, half-animal monsters with very strange names such as ' The blood drinker from the slaughterhouse 'or' The man who eats from my hind legs'.

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After passing through those doors, the heart of the dead will be placed on a scale and weighed with the feather of the goddess Maat.

If the person is pure and honest, the heart will be as heavy as the feather. At this time, they will be entering the kingdom of God Osiris.

Picture 7 of Mysterious mysteries of ancient Egypt Ammoth with a crocodile head.

If the heart is heavier, that person's heart is not pure and too ambitious, then, they will be eaten by the demon Ammut , and the soul will be punished according to the rules here.

Curse of the Pharaoh

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This legend is about a curse by Tutankhamun that killed the sponsor Lord Carnarvon and other members of the expedition. Although some hypotheses have been raised as a result of a dangerous fungus and gases that accumulate inside the tomb, the deaths still do not have an explanation. There were 8 out of 58 adventurers who discovered the tomb died within 12 years. The leader of the Carter expedition lived for over 16 years. Other coincidences are a case of confirmation of bias: any unhappiness that occurs with anyone in the expedition is attributed to the curse of the Pharaohs. The curse is a good example of the impulse for people to believe in an interesting story instead of events.

Pharaohs killed servants

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When the kings died, their servants were not killed and buried together like most people believed, except for some exceptions. The two kings of Egypt's first dynasty were known for burying servants with them. The general trend of humans has led to legend. Later kings were able to realize that their trusted servants were more useful when alive than dead, so replacing the servants who were small statues were buried with the owner to help Pharaoh in the afterlife.


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There are some people who believe that the Egyptians were exposed to aliens . They accuse the pyramids of superhuman achievements and some murals depicting places beyond Earth . This may have offended the heritage of the ancient Egyptians. While the Giza pyramid is an amazing mathematical achievement, the work of ingenious astronomers, scholars and architects of the era. And while the Great Pyramids act as the highest structure for nearly 4000 years, it doesn't mean that Egyptians are aliens, it just means that no culture can comparable to the monumental structure of the Egyptians until the 19th century.