ISS station flies over the Moon

A NASA photographer captured a very unique scene, the International Space Station flew past the Moon. The special thing is that the picture was taken entirely with a normal digital camera.

In the photo taken by Lauren Harnett, a NASA photographer that not only shows every detail of the Moon but also captures the moment the International Space Station flies past the front of the Moon. Previously, very few people could take pictures of the International Space Station. However, Lauren was fortunate to do this.

Picture 1 of ISS station flies over the Moon
The image of the ISS Station passing by the Moon was captured by Lauren. (Photo: Daily Mail)

Looking at this picture, many people will assume that it is a very sophisticated graphic product with computers. However, in fact, this is a real photo and has only been taken a few days ago.

Especially, Lauren Harnett made this photo entirely with a normal digital photo, a Nikon D3S DSLR. However, to get this unique picture, Lauren still needed some special accessories like a high-resolution lens with a 600mm focal length. Even so, any normal person can buy this device online if there is enough financial condition.

Looking at the picture of Lauren, many people will be worried that whether the International Space Station flies close to the Moon is dangerous. In fact, although the image is very close, the real distance from the International Space Station to the Moon is 200,000 miles (about 322 thousand km).

'This is an amazing photo. Before I took the picture, I never thought that I would capture the International Space Station. That day, the weather was nothing special, I even had the feeling of a slightly murky sky , 'Lauren Harnett shared on the Daily Mail.

Picture 2 of ISS station flies over the Moon
ISS International Space Station. (Photo: Daily Mail)

The International Space Station (ISS) was built in 1998 in cooperation with the US space agency, Russia, Japan, Canada and 10 of the 17 member countries of the European Aeronautics Agency. The area of ​​the ISS is about 33,000 square meters, of which the living area is approximately 900 square meters.

Due to the orbit of the International Space Station in orbit near the Earth (also known as the LEO - Low Earth Orbit Orbit), the altitude is only between 319.6 km and 346.9 km, the station has panels Large solar cells that reflect sunlight well should be able to observe the ISS Station from the Earth.