Italy successfully tested the first robot

Italian scientists on April 11 said that the first robot had a successful debut in front of other real fish, bringing new insights into the collective behavior of animals.

The robot can simulate these real fish, as developed by the National Research Council (CNR) in collaboration with New York University (NYU).

Stefano Marras, CNR researcher who conducted the experiment said, "The fish robot has completely integrated with a population of fish and even led the herd."

Picture 1 of Italy successfully tested the first robot

Mr Marras said the fish was 'tested while swimming with real fish in a water pipe at different flow rates'.

By studying the flow structure, the team found that the real fish was attracted to the robot fish as it waved its tail gently down into the water.

According to Marras, the robot has created a whirlpool that helps other fish save energy, just as bicyclists use to wind up as the cars pass.

This experiment could allow scientists to better understand the collective behavior of animals and to open up new areas in the methodological approach to the conservation of animals, Influence the behavior of fish through mechanical fish.

For example, this robot can be used to protect endangered marine species by removing them from dangerous situations such as oil spills.