Japan has successfully built a robot that can sweat to cool off

This is a bold idea of scientists at the University of Tokyo.

Recently, scientists at the University of Tokyo have created Kengoro . This is a human-like robot with the ability to breathe continuously for 11 minutes. And most importantly, it's capable of ... sweating.

Picture 1 of Japan has successfully built a robot that can sweat to cool off
Robot Kengoro is practicing soil.

About 1.7 meters high, Kengoro is based on real human form, and uses a sweat mechanism to cool the 108 built-in engines. The metal frame incorporates "blood vessels " that have the same permeability as sponges, so that deionized water can pass through cavities and reduce the heat output of the engine. The "sweat" escaped from the robot has a high heat and evaporates rapidly, so there will be no possibility of water short circuit.

Picture 2 of Japan has successfully built a robot that can sweat to cool off
Kengoro's face.

"Normally the robotic frame is used to support the main structure. Our idea is to integrate more functions into the chassis, making it capable of transferring water, circulating hot air while still having the main function. is to support the structure of the robot, " said Toyotaka Kozuki, head of research at Kengoro.

This week, Kengoro will be performing in public at the International Robotics Conference in Korea.