Japan: Replace your credit card with ... fingers!

To develop a non-cash payment method to a new level, Hitachi will use fingerprints to identify customers on behalf of credit cards.

The new billing system uses biometric technology to identify finger veins and uses those features in lieu of a credit card or ATM card.

Hitachi Electronics Manufacturing Ltd. Developed this technology in collaboration with credit card maker JCB Co. Ltd.

According to Hitachi, this system will ensure the safety of payment at the highest level. In a report, the company said: "As credit card use is growing, banks must find ways to improve safety based on biometric technology to prevent fraud and fraud. island in payment '.

Picture 1 of Japan: Replace your credit card with ... fingers!

Hitachi Biometric Identification System. (Photo: AFP)

In September, Hitachi will test a new billing system for its 200 employees to evaluate the system's commercial viability. After that, the system will be available to stores, banks and other businesses.

Biometric technology has been used by Japanese giants like Mitsubishi UFJ and Sumitomo Mitsui to identify customers as they conduct credit transactions or use ATMs.

With Hitachi's new payment system, customers simply put their fingers in front of a machine without touching the machine. The machine scans the customer's finger image and compares the characteristics of the finger to the data stored in the system.

Picture 2 of Japan: Replace your credit card with ... fingers!

The machine scans the customer's finger image and compares the characteristics of that finger to the data stored in the system. (Photo: AFP)

Quang Thinh