Japanese beauty 100 years ago

Japan of 100 years ago is praised by many tourists as peaceful and lively, equally attractive as modern Japan.

Picture 1 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
Japanese photo set 100 years ago taken by scholar, photographer Arnold Genthe and has just been published on foreign newspapers, attracting much attention from tourists - who always love cherry blossoms .

Picture 2 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
Arnold Genthe is American and German.He spends most of his life in travel around the world.

Picture 3 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
Accompanying him is the camera - the device he uses to record every day in the lives of people in places where they come.

Picture 4 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
These pictures of Japanese life and people have been recorded since 1908 for a period of 6 months.

Picture 5 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
The black and white images recorded a peaceful life of Japanese people before World War II changed everything.

Picture 6 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
Japan today is bustling, modern and bustling, but when looking at pictures of a feudal era people still do not get out of reminiscing about the peaceful, quiet life before.

Picture 7 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
These photos were taken by the author during the Meiji period (Meiji).

Picture 8 of Japanese beauty 100 years ago
Although the time to take these photos is quite long, they still create the love of many people when admiring.