Japanese scientists unveil automatic fountains that

Recently Japanese scientists have just announced a device that can completely change the way we deal with fires, in the near future!

Specifically, this device is a water-sprayed elephant that can automatically move, extinguish a fire, without the need for direct human interaction , like traditional nozzles.

Picture 1 of Japanese scientists unveil automatic fountains that
This hose can easily move through the window or other openings, to reach the fire.

In terms of operation, this advanced nozzle uses a water jet system, which is installed along the trunk, to 'take off' and towards the fire location. It is known that this water jet system will be controlled by firefighters through an operating set. Specifically, to change the height and direction of this hose, we only need to adjust the water pressure to spray.

Shaped and moving simulating snakes, this hose can easily move through a window or other gap, to reach the fire. In addition, because the use of 'fuel' is water, it can operate for a long time and the recharge of energy is also very convenient and fast.

With this powerful tool, forces participating in fire fighting can stand in a safe position, away from the fire to perform their duties. In addition, the hose helps to perform difficult fire-fighting tasks, which are almost impossible for humans.