June 22: Galileo Galilei is imprisoned, forced to

Galileo gave Copernicus the heliocentric theory and insisted on defending his discovery in the opposition of the Church at the time.

Astronomer Galileo Galilei was the first to discover that Earth is not the center of the solar system , thanks to observing the position of the stars. He introduced Copernicus' blood and determinedly defended his discovery against the opposition of the Church at the time.

The Church's view at that time was that the Earth was the center of the universe and all the opinions against it were considered heretical. On June 22, 1633, Galileo was brought to the Inquisition for trial.

Picture 1 of June 22: Galileo Galilei is imprisoned, forced to
Galileo was ruled by an inquisition.

The ruling of the Inquisition is in three main parts:

  1. Galileo was identified as "very skeptical about heretics ", stating that he believed the ideas that the Sun was at the center of the universe, that the Earth was not the center of the universe, that one could believe in and defending an opinion that considers it right after it has been declared contrary to the Bible. He was required to " give up, curse and disgust " those opinions.
  2. He was ordered to imprison;This ruling was later changed to house arrest.
  3. His Dialogue book is banned;and in an unpublished act at the hearing, the publication of all his works is prohibited, including works he may write in the future.

Before the Inquisition, he swore: " I, Galileo . swear that I have been and will believe in what is taught and preached by the church, with the help of the Lord. I will fulfill it. all reject their false thoughts that the Sun is the center of the world and all the planets revolve around, and that the Earth is not the center of the world ".

Picture 2 of June 22: Galileo Galilei is imprisoned, forced to
76 years after Galileo died, his discovery was recognized.

All of his research and writing books were later banned from circulation. It was not until 1718, 76 years after his death, that the ban on reprinting Galileo's works of the Inquisition was lifted.

In 1939, in his first talk to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Pius XII described Galileo as one of "the most daring heroes in the history of science . not afraid of those obstacles and dangers when doing work, nor blindly follow the previous great men "

On November 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II expressed regret about how Galileo was judged, and formally acknowledged that the Earth did not stand still, as a result of a study by the Institute of Culture Pope proceeds. In March 2008, the Vatican proposed completing Galileo's restoration by erecting a statue of him inside the Vatican walls.