Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside

A company called World View said it is preparing a new service plan, bringing people to "the edge of space" - about 32km above sea level, through a hot air balloon in late 2016.

Although until now, there has not been any consensus about how high it is, the "space" officially begins, the International Astronaut Federation thinks that number is about 100km. Under this rule, the company will provide you with 5 hours of experience, at a height of ⅓ of the aforementioned distance.

Throughout the journey, passengers will enjoy stunning cocktails, admire the stars, the darkness of space and the curvature of the Earth.All are packed into a $ 75,000 ticket.

Here are some pictures depicting what you will really be "sunk" on the trip, please follow:

Picture 1 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
After arriving at the departure location, 6 passengers and 2 crew members will climb a large storage chamber under pressure, including a bathroom and a bar.

Picture 2 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
With a view of up to 360 degrees with internet connection, you can take advantage of check-in, take a selfie and then upload to Facebook (or other social network) instantly.

Picture 3 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
To bring the cabin into the air, a giant polyethylene balloon will be inflated by helium gas.

Picture 4 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
When helium had completely filled the balloon, passengers would be taken to a height of about 30 kilometers.To make it easier to imagine, commercial jets reach a height of about 13.7km, and this number is nearly 23km for U2 spy planes.

Picture 5 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
The process of going to the set height takes about 90 minutes.

Picture 6 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
At a height of nearly 30km from the surface, you will see the stars most clearly .

Picture 7 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
. the vast space surrounded by a mysterious black.

Picture 8 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
You will know what is the soft "curve" of the Globe.

Picture 9 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
Astronauts believe that the distance is too far to make what happens on Earth seem so small and almost negligible.Passengers will enjoy this for about 2 hours.

Picture 10 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
When preparing to land, the balloon part separates at an altitude of about 15km, then whether ParaWing will be activated.

Picture 11 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
The balloon will fall to the ground and World View staff will pick it up for future use.

Picture 12 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
About 4-5 hours later, when it was safely landed, the company would send a jet plane to take passengers to the starting point. Depending on the time of year, the distance between destination and destination may range from 0 - 483km.

Picture 13 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
World View believes that it is really safe and reliable to bring people to the "space edge" with airships.

Picture 14 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
Leading scientists from NASA, including astronaut Mark Kelly also participated in the study.Furthermore, Alan Stern, a former NASA director of science, the principal researcher of the mission New Horizons, also accepted the project.

Picture 15 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
The big challenge that the company has to overcome is feasibility and safety standards.

Picture 16 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
A test flight was successful in the summer of 2014, when they raised a smaller prototype to a height of over 36 kilometers.

Picture 17 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
World View aims to start providing services to customers at the end of 2016.

Picture 18 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
Children 10 years and older are allowed to participate, and must be supervised by adults.

Picture 19 of Just need $ 75,000 you will have 2 hours to experience the feeling of floating outside
If you have enough money, try this service once!