Kepler's largest telescope in the world has a serious problem

Scientists at the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) said that the Kepler telescope currently cannot move normally.

Two of the four control gears helped the directional satellite to be broken, while at least three gears worked well to precisely control the direction of the satellite. Nasa's scientific director, John Grunsfeld, said NASA scientists are actively handling this error.

Kepler was launched in 2009 and until last month discovered two planets that could contain life. So far, this US $ 600 million mission has detected 132 extrasolar planets and 2,700 suspects that could be the planet.

Picture 1 of Kepler's largest telescope in the world has a serious problem
Kepler is the largest telescope that humans enter into space, designed to search for planets of the size or structure of Earth and stars like the sun.

However, this past July, one of the telescopes' 4 directional gears was broken, causing scientists to worry that a future similar error could occur for the telescope. cannot work normally.

In its statement, NASA said the flaw was discovered on Tuesday when the telescope was operating on a scheduled schedule and had difficulty moving.

The top task now for scientists is how to get the telescope to a resting state, which will help it save fuel to keep it running until the problem is solved. .

Kepler has completed his three-and-a-half-year mission since November 2012 and is currently working on additional missions, NASA said.

NASA said the telescope has sent countless data on earth stations and they can help detect many things in the coming years.

Last month, NASA scientists said Kepler discovered the two most Earth-like planets ever.