Knowing to lie early will be easy to get rich

If a child begins to lie at the second age, it is a sign that their brain is developing very fast and their ability to achieve it is also higher in the later stages of life.

"Parents should not worry when a child knows how to lie too soon. In fact, most children will lie. Children with fast-growing minds always lie better, because they know how to hide their children. They can create a great fortune in the future, " Telegraph quoted Dr. Kang Lee, director of the Children's Research Institute at the University of Toronto in Canada.

Picture 1 of Knowing to lie early will be easy to get rich Lee and his colleagues tracked about 1,200 children aged 2-16 to see the age at which they began to lie and the level of sophistication in lies.

The team in turn invited each child into a room with many hidden cameras. A soft toy is placed behind the children of school age. School-aged children are required to take a test quite easily but have an answer right behind the paper.

Experts leave the room for a few minutes and ask the child not to look behind. But the video recording results of the cameras show that in 90% of the cases children do so against their words. But when the research team asked the children if they were peeping, most of them said "no".

Statistics show that 20% of two-year-olds lie. That rate increased to 50% for three-year-olds and 90% for 4-year-olds. 12 is the age at which most children lie. Then the rate dropped to 70% from the age of 16. From this age, they began to use "harmless lies" to avoid hurting others.

The team continued to monitor children in later years and found that the more sophisticated the lies were, the more likely they were to think in the later stages of life. They did not find a link between lying in childhood and cheating on school exams or the tendency to become a fraud in adulthood. The strictness of parents or religious beliefs cannot prevent children from lying.

Dr Lee said parents should exploit their lies, because sophisticated lies are a sign that their brains are growing fast.

"Adults should not scold children when they lie. Instead, you should talk about the importance of honesty and the bad consequences of not telling the truth. After the eighth age such opportunities are very rare." , Lee told the Sunday Times.

According to the Telegraph, lying requires the participation of many processes in the brain, such as integrating sources of information and using those resources in a way that is beneficial. Lies are related to the development of brain regions that are responsible for high levels of thinking and reasoning.