Knowledge Vault - The system for storing all knowledge of mankind

According to the latest report, Google is building a new generation database system called the Knowledge Vault with the ability to collect, classify and store all real human events in the past, currently. now and continuously update themselves in the future. It claims that this is the largest database in human history and can operate without human assistance.

Essentially, the Knowledge Vault is a data storage system that can use intelligent algorithms to automatically collect and consolidate information from all over the internet and store it in a single place. Information includes all the facts in the world, people and things that are present in that incident. Experts call this a "knowledge base" , a system that both humans and machines can access its database to exploit information.

Picture 1 of Knowledge Vault - The system for storing all knowledge of mankind

When completed, users can query knowledge directly to the Knowledge Vault through the Google search engine. Alternatively, use smartphones, personal digital assistants or even robots to help users find information. In fact, this is a project built on Google's existing crowd data platform called the Knowledge Graph .

Until now, the Knowledge Graph has listed about 1.6 billion human events, 271 million of which are extremely accurate and Google claims that more than 90% are true. However, the process of collecting and importing data for the Knowledge Graph is done by humans, so it takes a lot of time, so Google decided to automate the process with the ambition of acquiring all knowledge. of humanity. Then, raw data is converted into available knowledge.

According to analysts, this is an initiative that contributes to the development of information technology, creating a pure, highly usable database to improve the way people communicate with machines and Future databases. In theory, the above purpose is similar to the database platform of Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft or IBM firms. One of the most viable applications we can see is serving individual virtual assistants. Then Siri, Cortana or Google Now can be smarter and much faster than the present.

The knowledge of the Knowledge Vault can help people and machines interact with each other a lot better. Meanwhile, machines can understand people or even make predictions about the future. However, experts also fear the level of security risks of this project. In other words, the Knowledge Vault does not need to know who you are, whether it is important or popular, whether it simply collects all information about you and if it harms the user if the information is used for bad purposes.