Learn about the extinct dog bear in history

The bear dog, also called Amphicyon, bears the characteristics of bears (large body, big feet with bare feet to stand upright with two legs ) and dogs ( relatively long legs and long snout ). However, they are not bears (Ursidae), nor are dogs (Canidae).

Based on science, they are particularly not the bear family nor the dog family, but they are in the dog group (Caniformia) or the " dog-like " subdivision. Modern animals in the dog form include wolves, foxes, dogs, bears, sea lions and ferrets. This makes the dog bear something like a cousin with the same name as them. In addition, this dog bear is easily confused with modern breeds, such as Karelian bear hounds .

There are two main types of dog bears: One is the Borocyon robustum, which has long legs suitable for jumping activities and is similar to the modern wolf, the Amphicyon longiramus species , has a strong body and looks like modern bear. , according to the Florida Museum of Natural History.


Like the current dog and bear species, the dog bear is large. They can weigh only a few pounds or can weigh up to (450kg). It is believed that the early evolution of the sun bear was very small, just the size of the Chihuahua dog (one of the smallest breeding dogs in the world). As it continued to grow, its size seemed to grow bigger, according to the Field Museum in Chicago.

Picture 1 of Learn about the extinct dog bear in history
Not even bears, not dogs, this extinct animal has evolved into a giant predator.
(Image source: Public domain).

When evolving into large animals there are several benefits and disadvantages. While body size is becoming larger and larger, it will allow them to hunt larger prey and higher food chain, they also need more food and reproduce more slowly.

" Their enormous evolutionary size shows that they can prey on many mammals and other animals. Fortunately, they are extinct before humans are present in the world ," Wilkins said.

Living environment

Dog bears first appeared in Eurasian continent during the Eocene and Oligocene epochs (55.8 million to 23 million years ago), a time sufficient for warm weather and thick vegetation. Worldwide temperatures are about 30 degrees C (86 degrees F) in the Eocene world, according to the University of California Paleontology Museum.

Despite the cold temperatures in the Oligocene, it is still quite warm and the vegetation flourishes in most locations around the world, including North America and Africa. The dog bear is extinct 5 million to 10 million years ago.


Dog bear teeth are formed to have an omnivorous diet , like the great bear and modern dog. Smaller bear's lures, which may be rodents, while larger sun bears can eat larger animals such as wild pigs. In addition, dog bears can enjoy eating leaves and berries.