Learn the mysteries of centipedes that amaze you

Referring to centipedes, many people feel frightened by the venom as well as their appearance. But when reading the article below, you will definitely feel extremely interesting by the unexpected mysteries about this small but scary little centipede.

Picture 1 of Learn the mysteries of centipedes that amaze you

Common characteristics of centipedes

Centipede belongs to the group of arthropods and branches with many legs. The body consists of 2 head and body parts. The tip of the centipede is usually round or flat with the general characteristics of the subdivision but there are still differences such as split or double-legged beards. The body carries a lot of burning, each with a pair of legs.

What is special is that when we look at it briefly, we will think that these burners are identical but in fact they are worn on long and short stems that lie in the car. The first burning with two venom-holding pliers is responsible for the poisoning attack of prey and opponents. The number of legs of the centipede is extremely diverse, maybe 20 to 300 feet .

Picture 2 of Learn the mysteries of centipedes that amaze you
Centipedes are arthropods

Interesting things you may not know about centipedes

1. The English name of centipede is centipede , taken from the Latin root meaning animal with 100 legs but in fact it is not so.

2. The world's largest known centipede is the Scolopendra gigantea centipede with an average length of about 26cm and can grow to over 42cm.

Picture 3 of Learn the mysteries of centipedes that amaze you

3. Although centipedes have single eyes that focus at the head forming double eyes, they cannot distinguish the enemy's shape or the surrounding organism as other cohorts. They can only sense light and dark .

4. The number of pairs of centipedes has a special thing that always exists in odd numbers including 15 or 17 pairs of legs.

Picture 4 of Learn the mysteries of centipedes that amaze you

5. Weakness of centipede is a structure of incomplete crust without wax cut, so centipedes are easily dehydrated when it is dry and hot. This explains why they are concentrated only in areas with a humid climate.

6. The fertility of centipedes is extremely amazing, they are monogamous . There is no need for any direct mating between males and females. Simply, the male centipedes release their elf so that the centipedes take the 'self' picked up. In addition, the reproductive cycle of centipedes is not fixed by season.

Picture 5 of Learn the mysteries of centipedes that amaze you

7. Compared with the animals of the arthropods, centipedes are species with a relatively high life expectancy, living for more than 5 years. They are always molting and evolving through each age, not stopping like other animals when it comes to maturity in terms of structure and shape.

8. The centipede's legs can be recreated as normal after collisions or even broken cuts. When centipede is surrounded by an enemy, such as being caught by a bird's claw, they are willing to sacrifice their feet, at all costs. Therefore, the sign of a centipede is in the stage of injury is that of shorter legs due to being in the regeneration period .

9. Centipedes are carnivores , their foods include baby centipedes, lizards, geckos, frogs, birds, rodents, insects, spiders, and even bats.