Learn these 'camouflage ways' immediately so that mosquitoes can ignore you

If you're in the "sweet blood" group and are bitten by mosquitoes, hide it right away, because the mosquitoes are extremely passionate about you!

Mosquitoes are tiny insects that can spread dangerous pathogens. Recent rainy days, dengue fever is booming into a pandemic and spreading strongly. The reason is due to the humid climate, a favorable environment for mosquitoes to grow and develop.

Let's do super simple things later to fight mosquitoes, keep away from the complicated dengue fever.

Wear green, yellow, orange

Picture 1 of Learn these 'camouflage ways' immediately so that mosquitoes can ignore you
Khaki, green, yellow and orange colors make mosquitoes more "dazzling", will scare and stay away from you.

Mosquitoes especially like black, and dark colors. This is also the reason that we often see mosquitoes gathering in the dark because dark colors make the mosquito's eyes "more comfortable" . Therefore, mosquitoes will "love" to attack people wearing darker clothes. Khaki, green, yellow and orange colors make the mosquitoes more "dazzling" , will scare and stay away from you.

Wash your feet cleanly

The foot smells unpleasant to us but has an irresistible appeal to mosquitoes. California Riverside scientists have experimented with sitting in shorts to see which parts of the mosquito are most likely to burn, and the result is feet. But after washing their feet with soap, they noticed that the mosquitoes were injected into other random parts of the body. So, for the convenience of both lines, it's best to pay attention to the body scent.

Dry sweat

Picture 2 of Learn these 'camouflage ways' immediately so that mosquitoes can ignore you
If you exercise, then wipe dry or bathe your sweat.

When our bodies are sweaty, the chance of you getting mosquito bites increases by up to 50%, because mosquitoes love the substances in people's sweat. If you do sports, then wipe it off or wash it off!

Use perfume to smell sweet orange and tangerine

Mosquitoes hate some smells that people like like peppermint, orange, tangerine, fragrant soap. Using perfume, essential oils in the room with the smell will make them run away high flying immediately.

Do not drink alcohol

Picture 3 of Learn these 'camouflage ways' immediately so that mosquitoes can ignore you
The scent of alcohol helps mosquitoes far away also find you easily.

Mosquitoes will love your smell when there is beer or any alcohol in your body. This strong scent could be a "direction" to make it easier for mosquitoes far away to find you!

Cooling body

Mosquitoes are attracted by people with more heat. If you are active, bathing and cooling your skin is the solution to not become a mosquito sucking station for the whole family.

Apply vitamin B1 to the skin

Mosquitoes do not dare to go near places where the smell of vitamin B1 smells. You can put 1 B1 tablet in a small glass of water, wait for the medicine to dissolve and then take cotton wool to water on the skin. However, this smell is not uncomfortable with us humans, and is also a very safe tip to protect young children from mosquitoes.