List of 5 planets can find life

Until now, astronomers have confirmed more than 700 of the thousands of planets outside our solar system.

In those strange lands, there are places that are too hot, others are too cold for life to exist. However, through thorough research and analysis, the team at the University of Puerto Rico's Extraterrestrial Life Laboratory listed a list of the top 5 'brightest candidates' for the ability to appear and develop life.

1. Gliese 581g

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Found in September 2010, this rock planet is still a controversial topic in the scientific world about its existence. Located about 20 light-years away from the solar system, Gliese 581g is 2-3 times larger than the Earth and revolves around its mother star, Gliese 581 red dwarf for 30 days or longer. This trajectory is judged to be 'livable' because at that distance, water remains liquid - a favorable environment for life to survive and grow.

2. Gliese 667Cc

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Discovered in February 2012 by the same team who once found Gliese 581g, Gliese 667Cc revolves around a red dwarf star light years away from Earth 22 and Scorpius constellation.

Gliese 667Cc was dubbed the 'Super Earth' , at least 4.5 times larger than our planet and completed a 28-day turnaround. Scientists believe that water on Gliese 667Cc is likely to be liquid as well as Gliese 581g and surface temperature is equivalent to Earth's temperature. In addition, because it is located in the 3-star planetary system, there will be at least one other planet around Gliese 667C.

3. Kepler-22b

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NASA's Kepler telescope has long discovered Kepler-22b, but it was officially announced in December 2011. It is a super Earth with a radius of about 2.4 times the radius of the Earth and if Kepler-22b is also affected by the Earth-like greenhouse effect, its average surface temperature will be about 22 degrees. C, the researchers said. Kepler-22b is about 600 light-years away from the solar system and revolves around a star very similar to our Sun.

4. HD 85512b

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Also considered another super Earth, HD 85512b is 3.6 times bigger than Earth, the distance from our planet is 35 light years and belongs to the constellation of the Sails (Vela). Astronomers announced the discovery of HD 85512b in September 2011. Estimate its average surface temperature to be 25 degrees C.

5. Gliese 581d

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About 7 times bigger than Earth, Gliese 581d has a slightly more orbit than its brother planet Gliese 581g. First discovered in 2007, many scientists thought it was too cold for life to exist. However, in recent years, many studies of atmospheric models have suggested that the planet can be warmed up by the greenhouse effect, which in turn supports life.