Living in the house - tree

Picture 1 of Living in the house - tree

The Fab Tree Hab house is made of twigs.(ABConline)

'Planting' a home from living trees instead of building it from deadwood is the goal of an architect at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).

Dr. Mitchell Joachim, a Smart Cities team member at the Institute's Media Lab, along with ecological engineer Lara Greden and architect Javier Arbona, plan to build a home that is truly an ecosystem.

Known as the Fab Tree Hab, this house is beyond the usual design of eco-houses (green houses) made from materials that have a low impact on the environment and human health.

"Not only is it harmless, it also has the ability to clean the air," Joachim said.

The house style is based on an ancient gardening method called braided - the branches are woven together to form arched entrances, curtains or screens. In Joachim's design, the exterior of the house is shaped into a protective diagonal, made from grapes, scattered with soil bags and plants.

The mixture of clay and straw will be filled with holes in the "wall" to prevent people living inside from the cold, heat and keep it dry. Windows are made of plastic made from soybean plants climbing around the house.

Water is collected from a trough on the roof, which flows down to the owner, irrigates the garden, and fills a fish pond. A compost system will treat human waste. In addition, the house also uses solar heat.

Joachim's dream is to establish a community based entirely on "living" house designs, but before that happens, he may need up to 1-2 years to make a feasibility study and return. face sociology. During that time, he was designing a California home made of 50% recycled and reused materials, and 50% of living materials.
