Longevity with golden turmeric

Curcumin - the main active ingredient extracted from yellow turmeric can prolong human life because it is full of antioxidants and other substances good for human health.

Picture 1 of Longevity with golden turmeric
Golden turmeric will help prolong life. (Photo: Internet).

In a study on fruit flies, researchers at the University of California found that curcumin helps these insects live 20% longer than normal, improving their movement and preventing work. formation of tumors.

' Preliminary results from laboratory studies show that curcumin is capable of preventing cancer and oxidizing, ' said Mahtab Jafari, the head of the study.

According to Jafari, findings in fruit flies show the potential of using curcumin in treating mammalian diseases. However, Jafari also noted that her studies cannot be directly extrapolated to humans but also need more experiments.

Curcumin is an ingredient in golden turmeric powder - a ' golden spice ' in Asian dishes. Turmeric has been used as a folk medicine for centuries and used by Asian people as a " medicine " to treat stomach disorders, joint pain, wound regeneration, blurring blemishes .